News & Events

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Beat the Heat with a Fog System

Klapprodt Pools has the perfect solution for this ridiculous Texas heat... a fog system by FOGCO! This system helps cool the backyard while creating an incredible fog effect. Check out this video featuring a custom backyard by Klapprodt Pools. The FOGCO fog system is installed around the perimeter of the cabana and throughout the landscaping.


Outdoor fog systems have been used in outdoor cooling applications for decades. These systems can provide cooling of outdoor temperatures by up to 40 degrees Fahrenheit with virtually no noticeable increase in the relative humidity. Applications include restaurants, theme parks, hotels and resorts, arenas, tennis courts, golf facilities, fountains, waterfalls, patios, and more.

At 1000 PSI, water droplets as small as 5 microns (5 millionths of a meter) in diameter can be produced. At this level, 'flash evaporation' occurs reducing the ambient temperature. This process of 'Thermal Dynamics', is effective because water requires energy (600 calories of heat to evaporate 1 gram of water) to evaporate. This energy exchange results in reduced temperatures.

The overall effectiveness of the system will depend on existing temperature and humidity levels. With high temperatures (above 80 degrees fahrenheit) and low humidity levels (below 50%) the systems results can be dramatic. As with any evaporative cooling process, the more moisture evaporated, the greater the systems cooling capability.


Mistscaping is a unique method of adding fog effects to water features, walkways, grottos, and garden areas. Created and developed by Fogco Systems, Inc., Mistscaping allows for the subtle introduction of fog into any outdoor application.

The Mistscaping system utilizes a specially designed assembly that can be easily installed in a new construction project or a 20 year old landscape. The system utilizes our Slip Lok fitting concept and because it is not mounted to any structure, the system can be easily and quickly installed throughout a project site.

The Mistscaping riser assembly is attached directly to the feed line which is run throughout the desired area. The special memory tubing used for the risers allows the fog to be directed and controlled for maximum effect. In addition, as the landscaping matures, the fog can be re-directed as necessary.

Utilizing the Fogco 1000psi pump module and specially designed Mistscaping risers, any standard landscaping project can be transformed into a cool and soothing tropical showcase.

Call Klapprodt Pools today or stop by our showroom to discuss the possibilities of a fog system for your backyard!